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Full Auotmatic Winding Machine

BOB FNP Automatic winding machine is a very powerful and versatile machine which can wind a wide range of HV coils for distribution transformers using round and rectangular wires. BOB FNP 08 (ranging from 50to 2000KVA) 

Main feature
The machine can perform windings using the full interlayer insulation and edge strips or the strip graded insulation giving extreme flexibility of use which, together with the software, enables different distribution modes for the insulating material:
Automatic winding                         Only interlayer
Semiautomatic winding                   Conventional winding
Building the whole insulation by means of paper strips gives to BOB FPN the highest automation according to the recent transformer technologies. Using this concept winding, through the use of a powerful CNC control with dedicated software, the main advantages compared to a conventional winding method, are:
Reduction of winding times                            Reduction of stock materials
Reduction of insulation materials                      Reduction of all materials